Home Beauty Healthy foods you are throwing away every day

Healthy foods you are throwing away every day


Many foods are extremely healthy but you accidentally throw them away.
Onion peel, garlic peel

Many people have the habit of peeling off the skin of onions and garlic before processing without even knowing that it is a mistake. Many people have the habit of peeling off the skin of onions and garlic before processing without even knowing that it is a mistake. They are rich in an antioxidant, called quercetin. This substance helps reduce muscle inflammation and fight allergies. You can add the peel while cooking and remove it when eating or after it’s cooked. This antioxidant seeps into the food and makes it healthier. This is one of those super good pieces of food that shouldn’t be thrown away. Peels of citrus fruits The peels of citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and tangerines often contain a lot of nutrients. The skins of these fruits have 5 times more vitamin C than the intestines, and the peels also contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. In Oriental medicine, the peel of these dried fruits is called bare skin, which has a very good cough and cold relief effect. Therefore, you should take advantage of the skins of these fruits to make tea, salad or dry to use gradually to promote health. Watermelon rind The white rind of watermelon contains the amino acid citrulline. Most of us eat melons with the skin on. But from now on, keep the peel when eating watermelon because this part contains a lot of nutrients that are beneficial to health. The white rind of watermelon contains the amino acid citrulline. When entering the body, this substance will be converted into arginine, which improves circulatory function and increases blood flow, improves heart health, and helps reduce muscle fatigue effectively. Some suggestions for you to process watermelon rind are to mix salads, make mannequins or blend them with smoothie ingredients. Potato peel Did you know that potato skins have more benefits than potatoes. Potato skins contain about half as much fiber as a single potato. Throwing it away means you are throwing away calcium, vitamin B, vitamin C, iron, etc. So, when cooking potatoes, cook them with the skins on, but carefully wash them and soak them in warm water. You can take the peeled potatoes and puree them for cooking to help lower blood pressure.