Home Beauty Shelf life honey so as not to turn into poison

Shelf life honey so as not to turn into poison


Please keep in mind the date of using honey below so as not to harm your health.
Effects of honey

You should not use honey for more than 2 years. Honey is nature’s gift to human health and beauty. Honey has many effects, each different time of day drinking honey, they bring different effects … Strengthen the body: If you diligently use honey regularly, you will see a chestnut skin. ruddy, delicious, and sleep well Relieve sore throats and flu: To relieve sore throats, you can use honey mixed with water and add a few slices of lemon. You can also mix lemon and honey and suck on it is also very effective. Cure stomach pain: Honey mixed with black turmeric powder (can be soldered), turmeric (heat) can cure stomach ulcers. Shelf life honey Pure honey kept at room temperature will last up to 2 years. To preserve the aroma and nutrients, it is best to use honey harvested from the beginning of the season and use for 1 year. The easiest way to identify honey is out of date Through the above story, housewives need to remember the following characteristics to avoid using honey that has expired, harming the health of family members: – By color: normal honey is yellow, the darker it becomes, the darker the color, the longer it is to see the color change, then discard it. – By smelling: honey for a long time will no longer have the characteristic sweet aroma, but it has a bitter or bitter taste, when smelling it feels extremely unpleasant. By tasting: normal honey has a sweet mixed with a little sour taste, of which the main sweetness is. The longer it is left on, the less the sweetness decreases and the acidic taste increases, in some cases the more spicy taste is due to fermentation. When acidity is acceptable, honey, though no longer recommended for drinking, can still be used in dishes; But much longer, when the honey has fermented, found on the surface with white foam, smells spicy of alcohol, it should not be used anymore. Treatment of burns: Using honey to apply to the burn will quickly heal, quickly on young skin Anti-aging ability: In honey contains many antioxidants that will help destroy free radicals caused by ultraviolet rays or the aging process of the body. So, the use of honey applied to the skin will help you fight the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and repel wrinkles. Natural moisturizer: The amino acids in honey will work to help our skin maintain the necessary moisture, especially for those of you with dry and aging skin. You can use honey in combination with other natural ingredients such as lemons or milk to make a moisturizing mask for your skin. The most noticeable variation in aged wild honey is: Honey for a long time will no longer have a characteristic sweet aroma, but it has a bitter or spicy taste, when it smells extremely unpleasant; By tasting: normal honey has a sweet mixed with a little sour taste, of which the sweetness is primarily. The longer it is left on, the less the sweetness decreases and the acidic taste increases, in some cases the more spicy taste is due to fermentation. When acidity is acceptable, honey, though no longer recommended for drinking, can still be used in dishes; But much longer, when the honey has fermented, found on the surface with white foam, smells spicy of alcohol, it should not be used anymore. But the more serious problem lies in the fact that our eyes cannot see, the nose cannot smell, the mouth cannot taste: In the honey there is a poison called Hydroxy Methyl Furfurol (HMF), testing the toxicity of HMF in the cave. Objects found at the concentration of HMF 200mg / kg made bees die, mice were genetically modified, increasing the rate of cancer … This HMF substance, when storing wild honey at higher temperatures, is produced more. The newly harvested honey HMF is 1-5mg / kg, after 100-200 days of storage at 30-35 degrees C, the HMF increases by 200-300mg / kg. In the scary story shared, the amount of HMF in honey that the old man used (preserved for 23 years, with the average Hanoi weather each year has 80 hot days above 30 degrees C) will be 2,760-3,680mg / kg. Note that in the standard of honey imports into European countries and the United States, the HMF content is only 40-80mg / kg (depending on whether the honey is produced under the conditions of European countries or honey in other countries). tropical countries). According to many experts, it is possible to store security at temperatures below 20 degrees C immediately after harvest so that the amount of HMF does not increase alarmingly. After this story it is clear that we should not regret using wild honey for a long time. Also, be aware that how honey is stored will affect the longevity of the honey you are using. You should store honey in sealed jars, keep in a dark and cool place, avoid mixing with water if you do not want honey to ferment quickly.