Home Beauty The drinks in the evening are surprisingly good for health

The drinks in the evening are surprisingly good for health


In addition to going to bed early and having a healthy diet to have a good night’s sleep, some of the following drinks also help improve the quality of your sleep.
Warm honey water

Honey contains many vitamins B, C, important minerals such as calcium, zinc, potassium, … antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, … so the use of honey brings countless effects. Great for health such as reducing bad cholesterol, stabilizing the heart, treating some intestinal diseases and most importantly, helping to reduce feelings of restlessness, anxiety, and sleep. To absorb the above wonderful uses of honey, it is very simple, every night before going to bed you just need to spend a few minutes making this kind of water as follows, put 2 tablespoons of honey in a glass and then add water. Warm in a glass, stir well and enjoy, that’s it. A glass of lemon juice before bed not only helps reduce belly fat, does not cause weight gain, but also helps to sleep deeper and better. Photo: internet Lemonade Because lemon contains very few calories, but contains many vitamins and minerals, from there, drinking lemon water before bed helps the body balance itself, strengthen the immune system and be relaxed. A glass of lemon juice before bed not only helps reduce belly fat, does not cause weight gain, but also helps to sleep deeper and better. However, you should mix lemon juice with honey in a ratio of 5:1 (5 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey), should not drink lemon juice because the amount of acid in lemons can cause stomach ulcers of the stomach. there you are! And don’t forget to drink lemon without eating anything, because that also affects your digestive system. A cup of warm chrysanthemum tea mixed with a little honey will have a lot of good effects on your nerves, helping you fall asleep more easily and sleep more deeply. Photo: internet Chrysanthemum tea Although chrysanthemum tea has a slightly bitter taste, it is cool, helps to clear heat, detoxify and treat insomnia very well, so a warm cup of chrysanthemum tea mixed with a little honey will have a lot of good effects on your health. your nerves, helping you to fall asleep more easily and sleep more deeply. In addition, chamomile tea also contains a lot of antioxidants, so it also has the effect of beautifying the skin, preventing the risk of pimples and skin inflammation. However, not everyone can use chrysanthemum tea, if you are pregnant, or your body is allergic to chrysanthemum tea, you should not use this tea to avoid adverse health effects. You can use 1 glass of low-fat or skim milk and other products such as unsweetened yogurt and fruit… at dinner to stimulate digestion, replenish energy and nutrients, and reduce appetite. Photo: Internet Milk and low-fat dairy products Fasting dinner has long been no longer a safe and effective way to lose weight, instead it is a complete, balanced and reasonable diet, combined with exercise for optimal weight loss. Therefore, it is very reasonable to choose nutritious and healthy drinks like milk for weight loss. You can use 1 glass of low-fat or skim milk and other products such as unsweetened yogurt and fruit… at dinner to stimulate digestion, replenish energy and nutrients, and reduce appetite. A glass of warm milk in the evening also helps you fall asleep easily, sleep well and wake up alert. Thanks to that, your body in the process of losing weight is still full of energy, not exhausted and lack of vitality. A light dinner with a glass of papaya smoothie with fresh milk is not only delicious but also helps you keep your skin beautiful, effective for weight loss. Photo: Internet Papaya juice, smoothie Weight loss diet changes nutrition makes your skin prone to dull, lifeless. Papaya with Enzyme has the ability to stimulate skin regeneration, combined with vitamins A, E, C to help smooth and bright skin, very useful for weight loss. A light dinner with a glass of papaya smoothie with fresh milk is not only delicious but also helps you keep your skin beautiful, effective for weight loss. Thanks to its high welding properties, drinking squash juice will help your body be purified and cooled down before going to bed, helping you fall asleep more easily. Photo: internet Water melon Because squash contains hyterin – caperic compounds, it is easy to prevent sugar in the body from turning into fat and prevent fat from accumulating in the body. At the same time, thanks to its high welding properties, drinking squash juice will help your body be purified and cooled before going to bed, helping you to fall asleep more gently. It should also be noted that, if you have low blood pressure, you should not use squash too often to avoid a sudden drop in blood pressure because squash is easier to lower blood sugar than other drinks. In the weight loss regime, instead of fasting for dinner, you can use 1 glass of tomato juice or smoothie to lining the stomach and speeding up the weight loss process, increasing the effect of beautiful skin. Photo: Internet Juice, tomato smoothie tố In the weight loss regime, instead of fasting for dinner, you can use 1 glass of tomato juice or smoothie to lining the stomach and speeding up the weight loss process, increasing the effect of beautiful skin. A few small suggestions hopefully useful for the nutritional menu in your weight loss regime. From now on, you don’t need to fast in the evening anymore, you can replace these weight loss drinks instead. When dinner’s over, go ahead and make yourself a soothing cup of mint tea with no added sugar. It’s not just a low-calorie drink that helps you relax before bed. Photo: Internet Drink a cup of mint tea after dinner When dinner’s over, go ahead and make yourself a soothing cup of mint tea with no added sugar. Not only is it a low-calorie drink that helps you relax before bed, the University of Maryland Medical Center also acknowledges that the lubricant in peppermint tea will relax the abdominal muscles and increase bile flow, improving digestion. fat. The strong flavor of this tea has also been shown to act as an appetite suppressant, meaning you’ll have less cravings for late-night snacks. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Neurological and Orthopedic Medicine found that people who inhaled peppermint every two hours lost an average of 2kg/month.