Australian star Tilly Whitfield stuns with badly damaged face for trying ‘DIY’ on TikTok.
In the show Big Brother, Tilly Whitfield – famous Australian TV star said her face was almost ruined after following skin care instructions on social network TikTok. When appearing on television, she constantly had to put on a clay mask to improve the situation.
Tilly Whitfield’s former attractive beauty
The current face is full of scars, dark spots
Tilly Whitfield’s skin was seriously affected Tilly said she had followed the “DIY” beauty tutorial on TikTok – a trend of “doing it all by hand” without consulting a doctor or expert in any field. She intends to follow this trend to remove the dark spots on her face. However, instead of having beautiful skin like the promotional videos on TikTok, the Australian star’s face is severely damaged with scars and acne. Even her left eye “temporarily lost vision” and had to require the intervention of a doctor.
Tilly Whitfield’s face after going to the hospital for treatment After the unfortunate incident, Tilly Whitfield advised people: “Don’t try any DIY beauty procedures. This is scarring and dark pigmentation deep under the skin’s surface.” Although she avoided mentioning the TikTok “DIY” video specifically, she denied the scar on her face was related to the chemical peel. Tilly Whitfield is currently a member of the show “Big Brother” – a reality TV game that is licensed to broadcast in many countries. In the program, the contestants accept being “contained” in a specially designed house. Their every move is monitored by hidden cameras and microphones. Contestants are gradually eliminated from the house by secret ballot and the person who remains in the end wins.
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