Home Beauty Beauty secrets of famous female gym coach in Hanoi

Beauty secrets of famous female gym coach in Hanoi


Possessing three toned, well-balanced rounds, Ngo Thu Thuy is one of the most famous gymmer and personal trainer today.
In recent years, keywords such as “Practice”, “healthy”, “Eat Clean” are becoming the special interest of many people. This is also the reason why the fitness coach profession is really very hot today. And one of the top famous coaches in the community of practice enthusiasts is Ngo Thu Thuy.

Not only teaching fitness, this female coach also regularly posts content about nutrition and healthy lifestyle on social networks, attracting special attention of netizens. The toned and seductive figure of Thu Thuy at the present time. Pursuing a challenging career, Thu Thuy said she had many difficulties. However, this female coach confirmed that she is confident with what she is doing and hopes to contribute to spreading positive energy to the community. From a girl with a slim, skinny physique, it is the gym that has made Thu Thuy a spectacular “transformation” into a hot girl full of energy, healthy and extremely hot body .. In particular, the third round ” Huge ”very toned, harmonious with Thu Thuy’s breathing muscles, becomes the wish of many other girls. Thuy is even referred to as “Kim Kardashian of Vietnam”. Thanks to the gym, Thu Thuy has had a spectacular transformation. Previously I weighed only 42 kg, small body, often with minor illnesses and had to go to the hospital. When looking at the pictures of fiery Latin American girls on magazine covers, I have a lot of self-esteem in my appearance, so I find ways to practice improving my health as well as appearance. Fortunately, when I came to the gym, I met a teacher who inspired to practice and taught wholeheartedly about bodybuilding knowledge. Try my best to practice every day with a reasonable diet, I have had the results as expected. Good health and toned physique bring lovely things to my life, add confidence, love life ”, Thu Thuy confided. With the desire to inspire and fame to girls who want to change bodies and become hotter thanks to the gym, Thuy decided to become a personal fitness coach. Thuy Bao Gym cannot turn you from one person to another but will make you the best version of yourself. Thu Thuy has become the most beautiful version of herself in the present. Dubbed the “Golden Three of Vietnam”, Thu Thuy advises those who have a passion for a beautiful body, the most need is persistence to practice and adhere to the instructions from the instructor. In addition to exercise, diet plays a very important role. Thu Thuy said: “When I first started going to the gym, I ate a lot more scientifically. Before, I ate three meals, so I divided my meals into 6 meals a day, avoiding so that I never got too hungry, taking too much energy in one meal, causing my body to accumulate excess fat. Lean meats, green vegetables, nuts, fish and eggs are my number one priority. In addition, I also limit eating salty foods, greasy foods, fried foods, carbonated drinks, stimulants to improve fast training results ”. From a skinny girl with the measurements 80-70-86 cm, now Thu Thuy has really transformed with a balanced body of 90-60-98 cm plus a slim, sharp face. imprint in every frame. In particular, Thuy also likes the stylish and charming fashion style to show off her hot body, her personal facebook and practice groups established by Thu Thuy always have a huge following as any celebrity.