Home Beauty Exercise at home to get 6 packs: Notes that you didn’t know

Exercise at home to get 6 packs: Notes that you didn’t know


When the gym is closed, the flower garden park also implements the distance, so practicing at home during the epidemic season is a reasonable choice.
You should choose the right exercises to strengthen your health, resistance, and at the same time have a toned body, 6-pack abs like your dream…

Things to keep in mind when exercising at home The big difference when practicing at home and when going to the gym, you will be guaranteed the best training conditions from: equipment and machinery to support the training process. There is a support coach to guide the exercises. The practice environment with many participants makes it easier to create an atmosphere of excitement… So when choosing to practice at home, to get the best effect, you need to pay attention to choosing the method that is really suitable for you and Note the following points: The ideal time to exercise at home is from 16:30 to 18:00. Exercise at home should be maintained regularly and regularly. Absolutely do not practice intermittently, so it will not be effective. Dead Bugs Exercise. Exercise V-Ups. Crab toe touches exercise. Make sure the training space is free of any obstacles and large enough for a variety of exercises. Choose to use the right shoes. Practice exercises with increasing intensity, from easy to difficult. Be careful not to overdo it. If you rush and exercise too much, it can lead to muscle and joint injury. With any physical activity, proper warm-up and stretching is important to reduce the risk of injury. Spend 10-15 minutes doing light movements to pump blood and warm up joints and muscles. Increasing intensity will increase your heart rate and make you sweat. Note, if you plan to focus on a certain muscle group, you should spend a lot of time warming up that muscle part. Practicing at home doesn’t have much excitement, so you get bored easily, the practice will not be effective. You can’t even build muscle if you just practice the same movements over and over again. Therefore, you should consider coordinating and flexibly changing exercises. Drink water before, during and after exercise to avoid cramps, fatigue. If you have to work out intensely or sweat a lot, consider sports drinks with electrolytes. Should increase foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, iron and electrolytes to avoid injury, support sports activities … After your workout, spend at least 5-10 minutes relaxing your whole body, doing light, low-intensity exercises for a long time to reduce muscle soreness, risk of stiffness, and future injury. Relaxing the body also allows the heart rate to gradually lower safely. After exercising, let the body rest for about half an hour and then have dinner. Quality sleep is very important. It affects recovery, metabolism, muscle growth, weight control, and mental health. One way to improve sleep is to eliminate any distractions like electronics, lights, and noise for at least 30 minutes before bed. Exercise Heel taps. Climbing exercises. How to exercise at home to get 6 pack abs Dead bug exercise: Lie on your back with your arms raised towards the ceiling, and at the same time bend your legs so that your thighs are vertical to your hips and your knees are bent at an angle of about 90 degrees. From that position, slowly straighten your right leg, lowering your left hand behind your head. Then return to the starting position and repeat the same thing for your left leg and right hand. With this exercise, you must always keep your back touching the floor. Don’t forget that your feet and hands should be a few centimeters off the ground. The exercise works on different parts of the body at the same time, thereby helping to strengthen the body and tone the abdominal muscles. Crab toe touches exercise: Sit down with knees bent and feet side by side. Put your hands behind your back, then lift your hips off the floor. Kick your right leg straight up and touch your right foot with your left hand. Return to the starting position and repeat the same thing with the left leg, right hand. If you want to double the effect, try to lift your butt as high as you can and always squeeze your core muscles. This is one of the best moves to work out the lower abs, glutes, and tendons. It can also help you develop impressive core strength, improve endurance, and boost metabolism. Heel taps exercise: Lie on your back with your arms next to your body. Next raise your legs and straighten them 90 degrees off the floor. From this position lower each leg in turn and touch the floor with your heels. Make sure your legs are perfectly straight and don’t rush. The slower the heel is brought down, the more effectively the lower abs are exercised. Doing this exercise at least 3 times a week will tone your abs, glutes, and hip muscles. This exercise also specifically targets the lower body and makes it more stable. V-Ups exercise: Lie on your back on the floor, legs straight and touching. From here, lift your body up with the help of your elbows. Raise your legs up to form a V from your torso. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Then slowly lower your legs, while supporting your upper body with your elbows. Note: Relax, do not strain the neck. The arms and legs should also not be bent. Remember to exhale as your body forms a V. Inhale as you lower yourself down. This exercise mainly works on the mid-abs. It also exercises the pelvic and intercostal muscles. These are the positions you need to work on to get your dream abs. Climbing Exercise: This pretend climb is a compound exercise that works many different muscle groups at the same time. This includes the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core muscles in the abdomen. Start in a high-arm plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your legs straight. From here, bring your right knee up under your chest, then return to the starting position. Do the same thing with the left foot. It is important to keep your back straight and increase the speed slowly.