Home Cuisine It is hard to believe that there is ‘musty’ beef: Excellent quality,...

It is hard to believe that there is ‘musty’ beef: Excellent quality, everyone can eat at shyness


Those are steaks that are so old that they have a musty exterior, but are considered ‘fun’ for chefs and diners in America.
Have you ever thought about eating a piece of meat that is moldy? Probably not. However, in the US there is a beef dish that is “moldy” but very popular. This is a unique beef dish not from the origin of the beef or the delicious, soft taste like butter like Kobe beef. This is beef that is famous for being moldy.

That is “Dry-aged” beef, because there is no equivalent name in Vietnamese, it is temporarily called “aged” beef (aged can be translated as “aged” or “aged”). But that name does not say all the meaning of this special dish. Dry-aged beef is a specialty of many famous Steakhouse in America. (Photo: Internet) The simplest way to describe this beef is that people will let the meat dry naturally for so long that a moldy layer begins to appear on the meat. At this time, the chef will use a knife to cut off the mold on the outside, revealing the taste that is considered “excellent” inside. Many foreign diners are also willing to pay a higher price for these “moldy” beef pieces. Don’t be scared by looking at this moldy beef specialty, because people will cut off the mold first and only use the inner meat for cooking. (Photo: Internet) Dry-aged beef can be processed like normal beef, by baking, frying and pan-frying with many popular ingredients such as butter, dill, salt, and pepper … This dish after processing. The appearance does not look very different from ordinary beef, but the taste – according to the experience – is extremely delicious. Principle of deliciousness of Dry-aged beef The taste of Dry-aged beef is like “a bomb”, because when eaten it will cause a flavor explosion in your mouth cavity. The principle behind the deliciousness of Dry-aged beef is similar to why people like to eat aged cheddar, and may not even hesitate to taste green mold cheeses. Food created by aging, if properly cooked, has a great taste. Once processed, the moldy beef is a great treat. (Photo: Internet) Jack Kawa, owner of Omaha restaurant with a seniority of steak sales since 1922, said that the reason for the deliciousness of Dry-aged beef is that the muscle fibers will be “broken”, making the meat texture become softer. . Inside the moldy steak are soft, “explosive” flavors of meat. (Photo: Internet) However, you cannot arbitrarily leave a raw steak out and expect it to taste good. To “aged” beef, or “aged” beef properly is also an art. Not simply for “mold”, aged (or “aged”) to crawl requires technology Most Dry-aged beef steaks are more expensive than regular beef and there are good reasons for that. Page Eater says a 25 to 30 pound serving of fresh meat can “shrink” enough for only five to seven steaks. Also, this should take at least a month. So theoretically, those who want to eat Dry-aged beef will have to pay extra for the “losses” in processing with effort and time. There are two ways to “age” a steak, according to Thrillist, “dry” and “wet”. (Photo: Internet Drying a piece of meat means letting it dry naturally in an environment where the temperature and humidity are precisely regulated. The wet method must be stored in vacuum packaging. If done right, the end result will be a tender, hydrated meat with a hidden “bursting” flavor. Many people even hang meat in an enclosed room filled with Himalayan salt, because the salt concentration in the room helps distribute the appropriate humidity for the Dry-aged beef environment.