Home Beauty Measures to help control body odor in the hot season

Measures to help control body odor in the hot season


Body odor, sweat smell is the obsession of many people on hot summer days. To control body odor in the hot season, use the following simple measures.
Measures to help control body odor in the hot season

Causes of body odor Body odor is unique to each person, determined by factors such as age, health, gender, and diet. Body odor occurs when bacteria on the skin break down proteins in sweat into acids that have an unpleasant pungent odor. Causes of unpleasant body odor and sweat (Artwork) The human body has two sweat glands, eccrine and apocrine glands. While the sweat in the eccrine glands only consists of water, salts and minerals, the apocrine glands can secrete oily substances including lipids, proteins, etc. Concentrated in the armpits, groin, hands and feet, apocrine sweat glands are the main cause. Weak body odor. People with hyperhidrosis or teenagers in puberty are susceptible to body odor on hot days. How to get rid of body odor quickly Body odor, if it originates from a pathological cause, can only disappear completely when thoroughly treated. However, some natural remedies can still help eliminate odors in some cases. And in other cases it can still be a good way to reduce unpleasant body odor. Lemon reduces body odor This material is very commonly used in the treatment of body odor caused by increased sweating. At the same time, the citric acid content in lemons can help inhibit and inhibit the activity of fungi or bacteria on the skin. Illustration In particular, lemon works very well when body odor comes from skin folds. The most typical is the armpit, groin or between the fingers and toes. Maintain good personal hygiene Illustration Clean body hygiene is the most necessary measure to reduce body odor on hot days. You need to take a warm bath every day, you can shower more than 1 time if you have to be active and sweat often. Limit hot spicy foods Hot spices such as curry, garlic, chili, onions… can make sweat stronger than usual. Some experts believe that a diet high in red meat can make your body smell less delicious in the summer. Therefore, you should limit eating spicy, hot, greasy foods, add more green vegetables, fruits and drink enough water for sweat glands to work more stably. Use mint to eliminate body odor Illustration If body odor is emanating from the mouth and breath, using mint to deodorize is the perfect therapy. Peppermint has a very high content of methyl essential oil, so it has a good deodorizing ability. At the same time, the micronutrients in this material also help to kill bacteria and have a strong anti-inflammatory. Using green tea helps reduce body odor Green tea contains high levels of tannins and organic acids similar to sage. Thanks to that, it has the effect of slowing down the process of sweating, while inhibiting the growth of bacteria. You can cook green tea water every day to get the best results. Illustration In addition, for women with body odor coming from the private area, this is also an effective solution. Green tea has strong antibacterial properties, so it can help to inhibit as well as kill some pathogenic bacteria in the intimate area. Let’s get acquainted with deodorant roll There are many people who do not have the habit of using deodorant rollers and as a result, the people around them receive enough. To always be a gentleman, get in the habit of using deodorant immediately after showering or whenever you feel sweaty underarms. Illustration Wax or spray-on products are better than water-based products because they don’t leave yellow stains on clothes. -> What happens to the body when drinking ice cold water when coming back from the sun?