Home Beauty The more food you eat, the faster your breasts expand, but you...

The more food you eat, the faster your breasts expand, but you do not know


Soybeans, green papaya, carrots … help your breasts to expand quickly, please eat often.
Soy bean

Soy consumption is an easy way to jump number 1 round.

According to Boldsky, soy contains a large amount of genistein and isoflavones, substances similar to the hormone estrogen help increase breast size and great effect. You can supplement your body every day in many forms such as soy flour, soy milk or soybeans.

Green papaya

Stewed green papaya with ribs, red beans or beans … stimulates the development of milk glands and fatty tissue in the chest area. This fruit also works well for nursing mothers. But pregnant women should not eat green papaya. You can change the way of processing: stir-fry, cook, boil, stew with meats (chicken, beef, pig, pigeon …) to help you taste better. Regularly eating green papaya will increase your bust measurement significantly.


Chicken eggs mixed with condensed milk can enlarge breasts.

Take a chicken egg mixed with a teaspoon of condensed milk, add as much honey (if you can not eat sweet, you can reduce) to the steamed rice cooker every day. Chicken eggs and milk will provide protein and fat for the fatty tissue formed in the chest. Should eat in the morning or noon to avoid accumulating fat in the abdomen, because this dish is very nutritious.


This orange root contains a great amount of estrogen, which helps promote the development of the breasts. You can eat it raw, boiled or use carrot juice very effectively.


Healthy grains like rice are very helpful in building and toning breast adipose tissue. Besides, they also help prevent and prevent breast cancer.


Nuts such as pistachios, walnuts, cashews or chestnuts are rich in phytoestrogens, female hormone-enhancing compounds capable of enlarging breasts.