Home Beauty 3 simple exercises but help you lose weight effectively

3 simple exercises but help you lose weight effectively


Want to lose weight, girls with ‘oversized’ body should persist in practicing the following 3 simple moves, but with unexpected results.
Lesson 1: Warm-up

Before the training sessions in the weight loss gym, most people have to warm up so that the joints are active to meet the exercises during the weight loss goal. Warm-up exercises are usually done with simple, easy-to-do movements to “warm up” the body. Light jogging or brisk walking are great suggestions. Lesson 2: Push the shoulder of the dumbbell This is an exercise designed for newcomers to gym activities to achieve effective weight loss goals. The motions for doing this exercise include: – Stand up straight, feet with shoulder. Two hands holding dumbbells, palms facing each other. Keep the dumbbells at your ear, elbows perpendicular. Exhale and slowly push the dumbbells up high until your hands are perpendicular to the floor. – Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells down to the original position Lesson 3: Raise the dumbbells in front of you Is a simple exercise that provides fast weight loss goals for women. During the process of lifting weights, you should note that you should pull in your belly and breathe regularly to achieve a quick effect. The motions for this exercise include: – Hold dumbbells in front of thighs, stand up straight, legs shoulder-width apart, eyes straight. Exhale and slowly lift the dumbbells straight forward from the bottom up, your arms always straight. Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells down to the starting position.