Home Beauty 4 ways to fix bad skin condition when using the computer a...

4 ways to fix bad skin condition when using the computer a lot


Your skin will be significantly improved if you keep in mind the following care ways.
Increase vitamin supplements

Illustration. Every day, you should drink 2-3 cups of green tea, this antioxidant-rich drink after being absorbed by the body not only minimizes the harmful effects of radiation from the computer, but the vitamin A in the tea leaves also contains vitamin A. can protect and enhance your eyesight. Daily should eat a moderate amount of carrots, bean sprouts, tomatoes. Fruit juice has a sour taste and juice from green vegetables is a very good body cleanser, if possible, should drink it regularly. Wash your face The radiation emitted from the computer is considered a catalyst that causes the skin to absorb a lot of dirt in the air, which in the long run will lead to the appearance of wrinkles, freckles, acne… promptly wash your face with clean water, it will reduce over 70% of radiation. It is best to wash your face with warm water mixed with a few drops of lemon juice, followed by a gentle massage to remove dirt, then apply lotion to restore the skin. Drink a lot of water This is a simple but highly effective skin care secret. Most of the words shared about beautiful skin care by beauty bloggers, famous stars, beauty queens, etc. refer to drinking lots of water. You may not know, radiation from computers is one of the causes of dry skin. When the skin lacks moisture, the sebaceous glands are forced to work continuously to compensate. This causes your face to have an excess of oil, causing an unsightly shine. In addition, excess oil clogs pores, making the skin prone to acne. Therefore, drinking water is very necessary to compensate for the amount of moisture lost during work. However, how much water is enough for the body is also quite important. Drinking too much water can easily lead to excess water in the body, causing edema. Better yet, you should drink enough from 2-2.5 liters of water every day to keep your skin smooth. Relax your skin Busy work makes her always focus on the computer constantly, so she often forgets to let her skin rest. Just like the brain, the skin also needs rest after a long period of activity. After every 1-2 hours of work, stand up, breathe and close your eyes gently to relax the whole body. On the other hand, you can go get drinking water to moisturize the skin and help the eyes and brain to be released. Apply this habit regularly, you will find your mind at ease and work more efficiently.