Home Beauty American teenagers are ‘afraid of aging’, rushing to inject botox because they...

American teenagers are ‘afraid of aging’, rushing to inject botox because they want to fight premature aging


The flawless beauty of online hot girls makes American teenagers more likely to use early anti-aging methods such as botox injection, plastic surgery.
In the past year, the skincare group with 1.3 million members on Reddit was flooded with posts whining about premature aging of teenagers.

Hot topics attracting thousands of comments include: “Wrinkles 18 years old”, “What should I do to prevent premature aging”, “Can 16 years old inject botox?”, “Right now my face is like that. Hey, does it look horrible to be 30 years old? ”. On TikTok, Instagram, teens share their fear of wrinkles by overusing expensive skin care products and treatments. “I am 15 years old and have used retinol, vitamin C and a guasha massage tool because I am too afraid of aging” – an influencer shared in the video attracted 16,000 views. Anjali Mahto, a consultant dermatologist at Harley Street, London – Anjali Mahto – says she is starting to worry as more and more teenagers turn to anti-aging treatments such as botox injections: “Young people believe that botox is The best solution to fight wrinkles. Actually not. Botox is only effective for 3-4 months and do you know what happens when you always depend on it? “. Before the outbreak of COVID-19, 18-year-old Zac Mathias from Connecticut went to the spa every week for laser rejuvenation, needle roller or light therapy. Of course, Zac Mathias isn’t the only one obsessed with aging. 15-year-old Kennedy Hack-Juman was obsessed with thinking that when he grows his skin will get wrinkles. “I just don’t like wrinkles so I’ll try to stop it by all means” – Kennedy said. She learns beauty methods through social media, and invisibly increases Kennedy’s illusion and pressure on perfection. Before buying a product, she will carefully read each ingredient and then go to sales sites to see user reviews. She especially loves products for the skin on her hands, neck and eyes because these are the places that are most susceptible to aging. According to a 2012 survey by market research company NPD Group, 20% of American women 18-24 consider anti-aging skin is a very important thing. In 2018, several studies analyzed by The Benchmarking Company found that more than 50% of 18-24 year old women want to buy anti wrinkle products. Charlotte Palermino – an influencer famous for skin care videos, commented: “Social media creates paranoia. Before, I wasn’t until my late 20s when I thought about anti-aging. And now.” Now people are worried about it at 18-19 “. In fact, the topic of premature aging is being greatly hyped by social media. Taking advantage of GenZ’s aging fear, many beauty product companies have continuously launched anti-aging creams with the promise of ‘on the cloud’. “Now, it’s not just the elderly customers who are interested in anti-aging products. Young customers are also investing a lot of money on these products” – Clare Varga, head of beauty products at WGSN global trend forecasting agency. Robert Pogue Harrison, professor of literature at Stanford University and author of ‘Juvesence: A Cultural History of our Age’, believes selling anti-wrinkle products to teenagers is just a business strategy. . “Young people are a very lucrative market for consumerism, because young people, especially very young people, are susceptible to being dominated by their desires” – Mr. Harrison said. The anti-aging market is expected to generate more than $ 88 billion in global revenue by 2026. Clinical psychologist John Duffy thinks it’s sad that young girls believe they will be ugly as they get older. “Instagram, TikTok and other social media are making people think that beauty must go hand in hand with youthfulness. They want to avoid old face at all costs” – Mr. Duffy said.