Home Beauty Constipation treatment without medication

Constipation treatment without medication


Constipation is a fairly common condition. The disease has many non-drug treatments, in which the patient can refer to the following yoga exercises.
Yoga is a healthy practice. There is some evidence that yoga can help relieve constipation. Certain yoga poses can affect the practitioner’s digestive tract and may help relieve constipation by promoting bowel movements and defecation.

Half-body twisted sitting posture

This yoga asana massages the abdominal organs and stimulates digestion. To do this, sit with your feet spread out on the floor or on a yoga mat. Raise your right leg and place your right foot on the side of the edge of your left knee. Squeeze your left leg and place your left foot on the side of the outer right hip. As you inhale, push down on your hip bones and stretch your spine. Put your right arm back, extend your left arm up. As you exhale, twist your body to the right, hold your knee with your left arm or hook your elbow behind your left knee. Continue to stretch your spine as you inhale and twist from your upper abdomen as you exhale. Hold for 5-8 breaths. Exhale and return to starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Lying position twisting the spine

Lie on your back with your arms aside in a T-position with palms facing the floor. Bend one leg at the knee while keeping shoulder level, gently let the folded leg drop to the other leg, hold the position for a few breaths, then repeat on the opposite side.

Crescent moon pose twisted variation

Step right foot forward so that the right knee and right ankle form a line perpendicular to the floor and left leg straight. Put your hands up in front of your chest in a prayer position. Keeping the pivot leg level, turn to the right, lift right elbow up and bring left elbow out of right knee. Hold for 5-10 breaths, then repeat with the other side. This posture has the effect of increasing intestinal motility.

Cobra pose.

Cobra pose

Lie on your stomach with your toes stretched out against the floor. Place palms on the floor on either side, next to shoulder. Use force to press your thighs and hips close to the floor. Raise your head slightly and slowly tilt your neck back. Press your palms down on the floor, gently lift your shoulders and upper body, holding for several breaths. Relax and lower yourself back to the floor.

Footrest posture on the wall

Sit on the back floor as close to the wall as possible. Slowly lower your back to the floor, then push your hips as close to the wall as possible. Raise the foot on the wall. With your head resting on the floor, your hands can be in a free, comfortable position. Hold this position for as long as possible. Relax and gently turn to the side to stand up.

Air discharge posture

Lie on your back with your knees bent toward your chest. Put your hands on or around the shin. Take a deep breath, and gently press your back to the floor, gently lifting your shoulders to bring your chin to your knees while pulling your knees to your chest. Hold for a few breaths, then release, return to starting position. Posture helps the body release air, repel constipation.

Bow pose

This posture strengthens all the muscles in the abdomen, which is great for people with bloating and digestion problems as it puts pressure on the abdomen. This is one of the more advanced poses, so exercise caution and don’t over-press your body.

To do bow pose: lie on your stomach, bend your knees. Reach your arms back and clasp your ankles if you can. Gently lift your chest comfortably off the floor, using the tension between your arms and legs, trying to lift your thighs and upper body off the floor. Hold for a few seconds, then release.

Diamond pose

Get on your knees, legs stretched back and keep your feet together. Pasterns are straight, soles of the feet facing the sky. Two big toes touching. Lower your body slowly so that your buttocks are on the heels and thighs on the calves. Put your hands on your knees, eyes forward. Head and back straight. Direct your attention to each breath. Breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. At the same time, be fully aware of how you breathe. Feel each breath as you inhale and exhale. This is an action you can do right after a meal. This movement helps to regulate the metabolic process to take place stably and continuously, to lighten the mind, relax, to help digest food, prevent constipation. In addition to post-meal practice, can practice anywhere, anytime.