The use of drinking water for the skin of women is extremely great, but it is not beautiful to drink indiscriminately, but it is necessary to have a secret and a reasonable timetable.
Did you know that water accounts for 70% of body weight and it has extremely divine effects? Besides health-related functions, water also has a great effect in beauty. Especially those over 30 who are having problems with skin aging will also improve if they know how to drink water properly. The beauty method is worth only 0 dong but few people pay attention to it. Many women know how to combine different beauty treatments that affect both the inside and the outside to make the skin even, bright and smooth. 1. The role of water The time of summer is when the skin is prone to problems such as darkening, easy to acne, oily, … So now you also need to pay more attention to the skin care and nourishment cycle. Before thinking about expensive beauty methods, drinking water properly will also help you get smoother and more vibrant skin. Drinking enough water has many roles for the skin, typically keeping the skin hydrated. Water, after being received through the esophagus, will enter the stomach and intestines. 90% is absorbed by the small intestine, the remaining 10% is transferred to the large intestine. Next, water is absorbed directly through the epithelial cells that cover the intestinal tract and travel to other parts of the body. The skin will be the place to receive the cooling of water from deep within.
Drinking water first will help maintain the necessary moisture, giving the skin a rosy glow. So if you do not provide enough water for your body, your skin is also prone to darkening and less fresh. Next, drinking enough water every day also helps speed up the healing process of sunburned skin. This is also one of the significant effects of filtered water that women are very interested in.
The reason drinking filtered water can heal sunburned skin is that they can rehydrate so that it can make the skin beautiful again. So just maintain the habit of providing this “cheap” drink to your body, your skin will also be “fragrant”. Besides filtered water, you can also use fruit juice to make your skin more beautiful and bright. For women, skin aging is a common concern that haunts many people. The common manifestations of this condition are the appearance of crow’s feet, age spots, wrinkles, sagging, … And you know, besides skin care products to avoid premature aging, the Drinking water is sometimes the most beneficial effect.
Practicing the habit of drinking enough water has a strong impact on the skin to help reverse the aging process, “hide” the evidence that accuses you of “stopping” every day. And the final destination is to help you stay radiant and beautiful.
When you drink enough water as recommended, your skin will feel the delicate “care”. The skin will be healthy from deep inside and manifest on the outside with a smooth, smooth glow that makes others love it too. 2. How much is enough and what is the right way? Water has so many benefits but not everyone… knows how to drink water properly to be beautiful. Drinking too much water will affect and put pressure on the heart and kidneys. At the same time, it also dilutes the electrolytes in the blood and leads to more serious things. So you should only drink the right amount of water with your body mass index of 40ml/kg of body weight.
When drinking too little water, your body is also easily tired, especially looking at the skin is also very lifeless. So this is also an important note for sisters. Besides, you also need to choose a comfortable position when drinking water, not drinking in a hurry and rushing. The ideal for girls is to sit and drink water in small, slow, regular sips so that the water can go to the organs in the body in the most “stable” way.
Sitting and drinking in the right posture does not adversely affect the health of women and increases the ability to take care of the skin. Paying attention to the schedule of drinking water also helps you get a scientific and effective habit in taking care of your body and skin. This also helps you not forget to drink enough water throughout the day.
Applying these 5 suitable times to replenish water will help you maintain good habits. With these notes, it is certain that women over 30 will feel more secure about this cheap but necessary skin care. Hope you will get the most effective skin care in summer days!
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