Home Beauty Thoroughly solve skin problems in a simple way

Thoroughly solve skin problems in a simple way


Hot weather skin often encounters a lot of problems that not everyone knows how to fix.
Use Vinegar to Relieve Sunburn

Illustration. Vinegar contains acetic acid, an ingredient in aspirin. Vinegar can help relieve pain, irritation, and inflammation caused by the sun. Dip a tissue in a little vinegar and cover the sunburned area until it dries. Repeat if necessary. Folliculitis and ingrown hairs To overcome this situation, you should take a hot shower before waxing, wax in the direction of the hair growth, and do not stretch the skin while waxing. After waxing, wash the area with cold water, then apply moisturizer. It is recommended to use a gel-based wax cream to both moisturize and make waxing easy. Use baking soda to soothe heat rashes Baking soda can reduce heat rash. Mix a few tablespoons into your bath water. It can help relieve itching and feel more comfortable as the rash heals. Applying baking soda directly on the rash has the effect of absorbing moisture and sweat, this method has been applied since ancient times. Repeat after a few hours. Remember that you need to wash and dry your hands before doing this. Use aloe vera to cure blisters First, wash the affected area with soap and water. Then apply some aloe vera gel on the blister and cover it. But make sure you use pure plant-based gels. Some products contain ingredients such as alcohol that can dry out the skin. Oily skin The first thing that you need to do is choose the right cleanser, so choose benign and especially non-Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) cleansers – this is a universal cleanser and cleanser. Variables appear in most cleaning products, because when the skin is too affected by detergents, the oil glands on the skin will be more active. Besides cleanser, skin cream is also very important, in hot summer you should choose oil-free moisturizers, and avoid ingredients like mineral oil, petroleum, and petrolatum because they will clog. your pores. You should also exfoliate to help clear pores, remove excess oil and stimulate new, healthy cell growth.