Home Beauty What kind of water to drink belly fat reduced there

What kind of water to drink belly fat reduced there


There are many types of drinking water that can help you lose belly fat quickly.
Bitter melon helps you lose fat



4-5 pieces peeled.

1 teaspoon of turmeric powder.

1 tbsp.


Put all of the above ingredients in a blender, puree it for easy drinking. After you are pureed, pour out a cup and you can enjoy it. This healthy drink should be taken every morning on an empty stomach.

Bitter melon has a bitter taste and is difficult to eat for those who are not familiar with it, but is considered a high-value fruit. Bitter gourd contains a lot of nutrients, 2 times more beta-carotene found in broccoli, twice the calcium in spinach, twice the potassium of bananas, vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, phosphorus and substances. fiber. Therefore, losing weight with bitter melon is a scientific method, at the same time helping to beautify the skin as well as detoxify the body. Meanwhile, turmeric and honey increase the body’s metabolic rate and increase fat burning.

Drinking this water regularly combined with a healthy diet and exercise, your weight can lose up to 5 kg in 2 weeks.

Fresh ginger juice and mint


1 small ginger root

1 fresh lemon

10 – 12 mint leaves

1 small cucumber



First you need to peel off the skin of the ginger, then wash it with water and chop it well.

Next, cut the lemon into small slices and squeeze the lemon juice.

The mint leaves are washed, then minced.

Cucumbers after washing them you will chop them up.

Place the mint and cucumber leaves in a blender, puree it, and filter the water.

Pour 1 glass of filtered water into the mug, add ginger, lemon juice, mint juice and cucumber, stir well and place in the refrigerator cooler.