Home Beauty When the skin is unwell …

When the skin is unwell …


There are many factors that make your skin unhealthy and beautiful, including the wrong nutritional habits.
So to get a “spotless” skin you need to stay away from harmful nutritional habits in everyday life.

Some common skin signs

Dry, chapped skin: Dry, cracked skin is a common sign. Skin feels rough and dry to the touch, possibly scaly, no longer lustrous, naturally smooth, feeling tight, heavy, and itchy. This is a sign that the skin as well as the body is lacking water. Enhance green vegetables and drink plenty of water to help soften skin. In addition, it is also advisable to exclude primary causes of dry skin pathologies such as atopic dermatitis. In this case, a dermatologist should be consulted.

Appearance of many wrinkles: Starting at the age of 25, the signs of the aging process can be noticed on the surface of the skin. One of the signs is wrinkles. The amount of collagen will decrease 1% – 1.5% per year. Then the amount of collagen remaining by the body over time is no longer enough to respond to cells, especially skin cells. Loss of collagen, lack of elasticity, lack of water and fat, are considered the main causes of wrinkles. In addition, wrinkles are also influenced by facial expression habits such as frowning habits, forehead wrinkles … gradually forming wrinkles in this area. Wrinkles are also closely related to diet. According to many studies, a diet high in sugar, milk, fat, and vitamin deficiencies will cause wrinkles to appear more quickly and more.

Skin conditions that need attention.

Yellow skin: Yellow skin color is mainly due to impaired liver function, bile pigmentation can not be processed promptly, causing an accumulation and excess of bilirubin, stagnation in the blood and transmission throughout the body, causing jaundice. If you notice signs of yellowing, chances are your liver is having problems or you are suffering from anemia. See a specialist for health checks and appropriate treatment indications.

Pale, pale skin: Skin color is determined by a number of factors: the amount of blood flowing into the skin, the thickness of the skin, the amount of melanin in the skin … If the skin is pale and painful, it may be due to a decrease in blood flow, the amount of cells Low-oxygen in the body or a decrease in the number of red blood cells, this means the number of blood cells is very low, you need to have a health check right away.

Skin rashes: Teenage acne is quite common due to hormonal changes. Adult acne can be a sign of excess sugar and fat. Acne can also occur due to the lack of proper care and cleaning or the use of the wrong cosmetics. Sometimes, acne also appears due to hormonal changes, due to polycystic ovary syndrome …

Melasma, freckles: Melasma, freckles, and brown spots are caused by a variety of causes, the most common being sun exposure without proper protection and hormonal changes such as during pregnancy, or oral contraceptive use. . In addition, it may be due to stress, aging, or genetics. These signs can be treated or prevented with intensive treatment products and don’t forget to use sunscreen every day.

Rash: This is a common sign in people with sensitive skin, easily irritating to external agents. Skin redness also occurs when the skin is allergic to a foreign factor, or irritated to physical factors or harsh chemicals or peeling too hard. This is also a sign of immune diseases, often accompanied by joint pain and fatigue, and a rash on the butterfly-shaped cheeks. Stenosis of the heart can also cause red, purple facial appearance, due to increased blood pressure and decreased blood oxygen levels. During menopause, hormonal changes affect the area of ​​the brain that regulates body temperature. When the body temperature is too high, the brain directs to dilate blood vessels under the skin, causing redness with a burning sensation. If this condition affects your life for a long time, see your doctor right away.

Thin facial skin, clearly visible blood vessels: Thin facial skin, visible subcutaneous blood vessels, the cause is mostly related to cortisol. This is often caused by long-term misuse of steroidal cosmetics. Other cases have been associated with adrenal insufficiency syndrome, either congenital or by abuse of cortisol in oral or injectable form.

Healthy skin and aging skin.

Nutritional habits make skin worse

Eat lots of sweets and milk: A diet high in sweets such as bread, sweets, milk, and other sugary drinks can cause acne, and when the blood sugar level increases, it stimulates oil production, leading to clogging of the pores. High levels of sugar in the blood can cause premature aging and skin cell damage by reducing the amount of collagen and elastin – the connective tissues that help the skin firm and resilient. To sip in your free time, instead of eating and drinking sweets or dairy, you should enjoy fruits rich in vitamin C or foods rich in omega 3.

Use a lot of coffee: Has the effect of stimulating the body to work in a feeling of alertness and reducing stress when working, but also the caffeine in coffee will make your skin lose a large amount of water, thereby making your skin dry, even chapped lice.

Alcohol or alcoholic beverage: Both alcohol and alcoholic beverages are dehydrating, causing dehydration in the body resulting in dry skin. Excessive use of alcohol increases the inflammatory response throughout the body, dilating the blood vessels, causing blushing. So, for people with acne, red acne or atopic dermatitis should limit alcohol.

Drink less water: 80% of your body is water, helping to nourish cells and muscles and support metabolism. Lack of water will make the body tired, the skin begins to dry, dull, or even flaky. Please supplement enough water for the body from 2 – 2.5 liters of water / day.

Excessive dieting: According to experts, our skin can be dry and itchy without the necessary fats. Instead of the group of harmful fats, you can use beneficial plant-based fats such as olive oil, soybean oil or omega-3 found in salmon and mackerel …

Many women often replace their main meal with fruit in the hope of keeping their shape and skin beautiful. However, fruit contains a lot of sugar and vitamins but lacks protein and essential trace elements for the body. Therefore, eating too much fruit and ignoring other foods will cause the body to be deficient in quality and the amount of sugar in the fruit can accumulate and cause fat.

Eat salty: The habit of eating salty foods will contribute to dehydration, especially on the skin and lips, leading to dry, dry, chapped lips. In addition, according to many studies, salty eaters often experience more acne than normal people by increasing the inflammatory process. So, reduce salt in your diet for beautiful skin.