Home Beauty The secret to slow skin aging for men

The secret to slow skin aging for men


Maintaining a youthful appearance helps men score points, impressing everyone.

Stop smoking: According to the Health Smoking interferes with the blood supply to maintain healthy, supple skin tissues. Many chemicals in tobacco damage collagen and elastin – the building blocks of skin structure. Men who smoke or are exposed to tobacco smoke frequently have sagging skin. Over time, more wrinkles form and lose a youthful appearance. Image: Kain_0415. Reduce alcohol consumption: When drinking a lot of alcohol, urine production is enhanced. This causes dehydration of the body and skin. Severe dehydration will cause wrinkles, fine lines and wrinkles. Besides, alcohol also contributes to the skin becoming sensitive to sunlight. Due to the negative effects of UV rays from the sun, the skin is prone to burning, blistering and premature aging. Image: Campusgains. Relax more: Page Healthline stress causes changes in skin proteins. From there, a decrease in elasticity is created. Stress also leads to frowning and repeated brow wrinkles. The constant movement of the facial muscles causes rapid wrinkles to appear. Image: Parkpoleon. Eat more foods that contain antioxidants: UV rays, toxic substances, tobacco smoke, and high temperature fried foods promote free radical production. Free radicals make the skin aging process faster. Adopt an antioxidant-rich diet to prevent the damaging effects of free radicals. Men should eat foods such as pomegranates, blueberries, avocados, citrus, dark green vegetables, fish rich in omega-3 … Photo: HealthSeed, MyFitnessPal Blog. Wear sunglasses: Sunglasses are not only stylish accessories, they also protect your eyes. Choose sunglasses that block UV rays and help keep your eyes from glare. From there, limit squinting when moving in the sun. Image: Watchroom24. Always wear sunscreen: According to the Environmental Protection Agency Nearly 50% of the ultraviolet radiation (UV rays) reaches the Earth between 10 and 16 hours. The opinion that healthy tanned skin is in is incorrect. Tanning shows the body’s effort to protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays. Exposure to too much UVB rays, especially in the summer, the skin is susceptible to sunburn and burning. UVA rays remain strong throughout the year in the presence of light. It causes skin aging and skin cancer and reduces its ability to fight disease. Image: The Healthy. Clean skin 2 times / day: Every day if you do not wash your face, dust, toxic substances, and sebum will accumulate under the skin. They clog pores, forming pimples. Besides, impurities polluted from the environment also contribute to the formation of free radicals. Men should wash their face twice in the morning and at night. Avoid rubbing it with a towel as this will cause the skin to sag quickly. Instead, clean with a gentle cleanser with warm water. Image: Curology. Use cosmetics containing retinol: After sunscreen, the ingredient dermatologists recommend to prevent aging is retinol. Retinol or other substances belonging to the group of retinoids help effectively transform the skin. They promote new cell production, reduce wrinkles and acne. Common retinol cosmetics are serums, eye creams or moisturizers. Image: Eva Naturals, Forbes. 5 ways to maintain a youthful look for men Healthy skin, few defects help men feel confident when meeting people.