Home Beauty The secret to you having sexy lips

The secret to you having sexy lips


To possess sexy lips you need to pay attention to the following things today.
Don’t lick your lips

You should never lick your lips. Most of us are accustomed to licking our lips regularly because we think it will moisturize our skin, but the fact is it makes the problem worse. When you lick your lips it can get wetter for a while but as soon as it evaporates, it will make your lips drier. Regularly touching your lips will strip your lips of natural moisturizers and dry them out. Keep your lips clean Your lips are often exposed to dust and airborne contaminants every day, not to mention foods and drinks that can form on your lips after a meal. The first important thing to make your lips look better is to keep your lips clean. So clean it every day by rubbing honey on your lips and gently massaging it. This is a great tip for cleansing and keeping lips soft. Eliminate Make-up This is important for helping your lips to breathe. To allow for that, you must ensure that you remove the lipstick on your lips before you go to bed. You can simply use a cotton pad soaked in makeup remover to remove your lipstick. Sleeping with makeup on your face will damage your skin, causing acne and allergies. Use lip balm Using lip balm daily to avoid the sun’s rays is the simplest way to help protect thin, smooth skin on lips. Lip balm helps avoid ultraviolet rays, retains moisture, prevents dry, chapped lips. Should be used 2-3 times a day and daily. Moisturizes lips Sudden changes in temperature, exposure to some pollutants … are factors that can directly damage the lips. For this reason, it is advisable to moisturize every day with mint-containing lipsticks … this is a natural remedy for plumping lips. Avoid smoking Smoking not only loses the aesthetics of teeth, with time lips no longer attractive to chapped, dry lips. Toxins in cigarette smoke cause lips to age prematurely, lose their natural moisture and gradually appear dark spots.