Home Beauty Why is Toc Tien red when using retinol?

Why is Toc Tien red when using retinol?


Retinol should not be used in high light as this active ingredient makes the skin sensitive to sun exposure.
Recently, Toc Tien posted a photo of peeling skin, red rash due to sun exposure during the time using retinol.

She said the skin is not too sensitive, rarely allergic and always wears sunscreen regularly every day. However, adding products containing retinol easily makes skin sensitive to sunlight. “Going to the beach for facial skin allergies, peeling and redness on both sides of the cheeks. Before now, the skin is not sensitive, using retinol for a whole month has been smooth and suitable for the skin. Experience for you who are using retinol when If you want to go to the beach, you should stop using it for at least a week because using sunscreen can also cause a very high risk of sunburn “, Toc Tien expressed. Fairy skin is sunburned, a rash. Photo: Nguyen Khoa Toc Tien. What is retinol? Retinol is considered vitamin A – the vitamin found in foods and can be used as a dietary supplement. Retinol is also an antioxidant that is used to treat acne, fade dark spots and age spots on the skin. It works by neutralizing free radicals in the skin – which can damage collagen cells. You can use retinol to treat acne, acne problems, hidden acne, new wrinkles appear on the skin surface. Renova and Retin-A are two well-known types of tretinoin (also known as retinoic acid). Retinol is anti-aging. Photo: ELLE. Benefits of retinol Retinol can improve the size of the pores caused by acne and dirt accumulation. When applying products containing this ingredient on the skin, it will unclog, prevent dirt, excess oil from accumulating and causing clogging of pores. In addition, retinol also exfoliates dead skin, alkaline oil, reduces swelling, especially antibacterial properties in the treatment of acne. Retinol has anti-aging properties, helps the skin minimize and get rid of the signs of aging caused by the sun, enhance collagen production, fade pigmentation, wrinkles. The skin will become shiny and healthy. People with sensitive skin should pay attention when using retinol. Photo: ELLE. Note when using retinol Retinol makes skin sensitive to sunlight, so using this active ingredient at night is the most appropriate and effective time. If you are using products with retinol for the first time, you should try it at the lowest percentage concentration, then gradually increase with time and skin needs. Always use sunscreen during the day because while using retinol, the skin is very susceptible to sunburn, hyperpigmentation if not protected from UV rays. When retinol is accelerated, new cells are born more, the skin surface is youthful, but also more sensitive to light. Do not take this active ingredient or the group of retinoids while pregnant or breastfeeding. Before applying retinol cream, let your skin dry as the water reacts with the active ingredient and makes the product’s activity stronger, making the skin more prone to irritation. Retinol is a substance with high cellular metabolism, people should not use the same creams or cosmetic treatments containing the active ingredients glycolic acid and salicylic acid. Do not let the sun shine directly on your skin while using retinol. Photo: Sunday Edit. How to use retinol? People who want to use retinol for their skin care should start with a low dose and increase with time. Retinol has the ability to remove dead skin cells in the first time, so users will feel the skin peeling and rough. People with sensitive skin experience irritation when using retinol for the first time. The dermatologist’s advice is to use products containing vitamin A ester with milder and more lasting properties than pure retinol. Refer to the instructions on how to use retinol. Photo: ELLE.