Home Beauty 2 types of plants that anyone can buy have a ‘speedy’ acne...

2 types of plants that anyone can buy have a ‘speedy’ acne treatment effect


Using perilla leaves or gotu kola properly has a very effective acne treatment effect.
Causes of acne skin

Illustration. Dermatologist Julie Harper from the Dermatology & Skin Care Center of Birmingham admits that the exact reason behind the problem remains unexplored. We still don’t know what makes a person more susceptible to acne triggers at the genetic makeup level. There’s a genetic factor, which means you’re more likely to get acne if your parents also had the condition, but genetics isn’t the deciding factor. Another theory is that the cause of acne depends on toll-like receptors in the skin (a protein responsible for recognizing microorganisms and triggering a cellular immune response). Doctors suspect that these receptors in people prone to acne may be more active, triggering a more frequent swelling and inflammatory response to acne triggers. Skin with acne or not depends partly on how to take care of the skin. This is disappointing and frustrating when you have put so much effort into getting rid of your acne. However, it also means that acne is not your fault. Plants that treat acne Vegetable perilla The nutrients in perilla leaves will quickly penetrate deep into the skin, remove the keratinized layers, dead cells on the skin, quickly discharge toxins out to help the excretion process work easier. prevent the formation and remove the milia easily. Clean the acne-affected skin with lemon juice to remove the dirt remaining in the pores. Then, pound the perilla leaves, squeeze out the water and put in a small bowl, squeeze a little fresh lemon juice mixed with perilla leaf juice. Finally, you use a cotton ball to soak the mixture of perilla and fresh lemon on your face, combine gently to massage the nutrients into the skin, leave for about 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Pennywort The active ingredient Saponin in gotu kola helps to link and regenerate tissues and cells, making wounds heal quickly and quickly on young skin, so it is effective in treating acne. Method: take about 100g of centella asiatica, wash, crush and filter the water, add a little sugar to drink. And gotu kola can be used on the face, especially on acne-prone skin.