Home Beauty How does sleeping position affect your skin?

How does sleeping position affect your skin?


A good night’s sleep can help keep your skin healthy. However, sleeping position can affect the skin, causing acne and wrinkles.
A good night’s sleep can help keep your skin healthy. However, sleeping position can affect the skin, causing acne and wrinkles. Signs may be puffy eyes, pimples and flatter cheeks on only one side. Here are some skin problems caused by poor sleeping position:

Lie on your stomach Many people like to sleep this way, but it is not the best way to sleep. Like when we sleep, our skin needs breathing. This posture applies the entire face to the pillow, causing cysts to clog the skin. This causes clogged pores, acne and wrinkles. Pressure also causes puffy eyes and eye bags. Your facial structure is pressed against pillows every night for 8 hours – that’s a huge pressure on your skin. In the end, this pose can make your face flatter and cause wrinkles. To avoid all of this, do not sleep on your stomach Lie on the side This site is less damaging to the skin than on the stomach. However, this is also not the ideal location. When you sleep on your side, you put great pressure on one side. It flattens the cheekbones and causes lateral wrinkles due to friction and pressure. Also, if you have applied any skin care products, the cosmetics may spread to the pillow and not be absorbed by your skin. Lay up Lying on your back is an ideal sleeping position! First, you don’t put much pressure on your face. This will create fewer wrinkles, less flattening of facial contours, which will make your skin younger and smoother. Compared to sleeping on your side or on your stomach, no fluid will build up around your eyes causing your eyes to be puffy. In addition, your face will not touch the pillow, avoiding oil and dirt on the skin. This will prevent skin irritation or pimples! For overnight skin care by lying on your back while sleeping. This may be difficult for some, but it is truly a skin savior. In addition to sleeping position, there are a number of sleeping habits that affect your skin: 1. Forget about removing makeup before bed: Makeup, oils, environmental pollutants and harmful free radicals that you accumulate on your skin after a long day of work penetrate deep into the pores, causing breakouts and Accelerate the aging process. It can also cause dryness, irritation, and skin infections. So before going to bed, don’t forget to remove makeup. 2. You don’t wash your sheets and pillowcases very often: Our faces accumulate a lot of dirt on our skin. When you put your face and body down on the same bed sheet over and over again, these dirt build up and become colonies. Try to wash your sheets at least once a week to protect your skin. 3. Do not tie your hair or use a headscarf when you sleep: You can feel comfortable when you go to sleep. However, doing so means waking up with pimples. Hair’s natural oils – in addition to any product you may be using (even shampoos and conditioners) – can clog pores and cause irritation. Ideally, you should use a loose bun, as this can damage the strands of hair. If you have curly hair, sleeping with a scarf can prevent breakage, while keeping your curls intact. 4. Too Cold Room Temperatures: Too cold room temperatures can dry out your skin. One way to combat this is to use a humidifier, which will help you sleep better and prevent dry skin. 5. Do not apply skin care products before going to bed. If you’re skipping this important step, you’re missing out on skin rejuvenation. This is also the ideal time to apply a thick layer of lip balm – especially during the winter months. And don’t forget to apply neck lotion as part of your routine./.