Home Beauty How to whiten face with fresh milk effectively, study right when the...

How to whiten face with fresh milk effectively, study right when the summer is bustling


Better than all cosmetics, the following 5 ways to whiten facial skin with fresh milk will help you have a smooth, smooth white skin like a spa treatment.
Fresh milk is available in all families, but not everyone knows fresh milk for beauty purposes. In the composition of fresh milk has many nutrients, moisturizers, lactic acid helps to purify the arid cells while nourishing healthy skin full of vitality. Fresh milk helps the skin become firm, smooth, reduces wrinkles on the skin and enhances moisture in the skin.

Therefore, please apply the following 2 safe and effective ways to whiten face with fresh milk

How to whiten facial skin with fresh milk and turmeric

Materials needed:

  • 20gr turmeric powder

  • 500ml of fresh milk without sugar

  • 5 teaspoons of honey

  • Pot, cup and spoon


  • Pour 500ml of milk into a pot and then heat it up (just boil) under low heat. Or you can also roast the milk in the microwave for about 1 minute.

  • After warming the milk, add turmeric powder, stir well with a spoon to dissolve the turmeric in the milk.

  • For honey to stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, turn off the heat.

  • Pour mixture into cup and use.


Drink this honey-fresh turmeric powder every night before going to bed. After 2 weeks, you will feel your skin have a noticeable change.

2. How to whiten facial skin with fresh milk and honey

Materials need to prepare:

  • 1 potato

  • 2 tablespoons of unsweetened fresh milk


Peel the potato and bring it to boil. Then bring the potato puree or you can use a blender to puree it.

Add fresh milk and mashed potatoes and mix well. Remember to let the potatoes cool down before adding the milk.

Wash your face with warm water to expand pores, then apply the mixture evenly on your face (avoiding the eye and nose area), you should apply in circles from the inside out and massage your face together.

Leave the mixture on your skin for 15-20 minutes. After applying, wash your face with warm water first and then rinse with cold water to minimize pores.

Apply a fresh milk potato mask twice a week to naturally brighten your face.

With the 2 ways to whiten your face with fresh milk, you will save a lot of money and effort in improving your beauty. Good luck!